During the development of the site, we followed the requirementsfor standardized visual appearance within the MSIL network, butalso new marketing trends. In addition to visual improvements,we tried to give the site greater informative and useful value, primarily for clients and potential clients, but also for those who intend to start or continue their career in our company.
We hope we have succeeded.
We paid special attention to the presentation of "what clients think about us", ie the recommendations of clients from various business sectors to which we provide different types of services.We especially emphasize that the clients themselves (so withoutour suggestions) honestly wrote what they think about us as acompany, our professional team and the quality of services weprovide. We are really grateful to them, and also proud of whatthey wrote. We will try not to betray the indicated trust. Weapologize that due to limited space we were not able to post allthe opinions obtained on the site at this time, or we were forcedto make their cuts.
On the Sectors page, by different industries or activities, instead of listing references, we have placed the logos of some of the clientsto whom we provide different types of services.
We have significantly expanded the presentation of our team, with photos, contacts and short biographies of all employees in partner and managerial positions.
We have enriched the Careers page and linked numerous contents with photos that follow various activities of employees via Facebook.
In the future, the News page should inform site visitors about issues of importance for their business, but also announce and send events in our company.
The site is being set up in English, which will not in all cases be a literal translation of the Serbian version.
We worked hard and in a very short period of time, so we must have made a mistake that we will try to correct as soon as possible.
We are glad that you are on our website and we hope you will like it!