Milena Balj

Milena Balj

Manager - Moore ambasador

Milena is currently holding position of Audit Manager in Public and NGO sector, with 11 years of experience, mostly gained in areas of assurance engagements, financial audits and other audit engagements related to financial statements of projects implemented by non-governmental organizations, state agencies and institutions, and international and other organizations, financed by domestic and international donors, such as European Commission, UNHCR, UNDP, UNICEF, Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), Swedish International Development Co-operation Agency (SIDA), GIZ, Global Fund, Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Milena also has significant international experience gained by joint work with international experts on project audits in country and abroad.


  • Audit and assurance
  • Financial advisory


  • Not for profit & charities
  • Public sector