Ružica Vukosavljević

Ružica Vukosavljević


Ruzica is a Licensed Certified Auditor and Certified Internal Auditor and holds the position of Partner in the Financial Sector Audit Department. She has 15 years of experience in external and internal audit, AQR and Diagnostic studies preparation. She specializes in auditing banks, insurance companies and other financial organizations. Apart from the financial sector, Ružica has significant experience in auditing companies that deal with real estate management. She is qualified to manage and conduct audits of financial statements and consolidated financial statements, evaluation of accounting policies and compliance of accounting policies with IAS / IFRS as well as Decisions of the National Bank of Serbia.

Ruzica is also in charge of internal monitoring and quality control of services provided in our company.


  • Audit and assurance
  • Corporate finance
  • Financial advisory


  • Construction & real estate
  • Financial service & insurance